Lean Contract

Creating a trusted network of executable legally binding contracts

The Problem

Traditional contracts hold back business innovation and development of better services and products.

Inefficiency: Executing contracts is expensive and complicated. Simply keeping an overview of your contracts and tracking the execution requires complex manual processes and scales badly.

Stagnation: Contracts as a technology has never fundamentally been updated. Any improvement in automation and dynamic execution is limited by the traditional contract design.

Our Solution

  • Create a versatile digital contract form, the Lean Contract

  • Establish a reliable secure Contract Network to record events and drive execution

Efficiency: Parties can easily setup contracts via the Lean Contract Network. With the network serving as a standardized communication protocol between parties. The Lean Contract can be directly accessed and analyzed. Paragraphs or parameters can be dynamically referenced

Innovation: Existing processes can start sourcing relevant input directly from the legal binding agreement (legal sourcing). The contract itself provides the reference ledger. New legal infrastructure and innovative services can be created. Single components of the execution can easily be outsourced

Use Cases

  • Setup and sign all new contracts as Lean Contracts. This small change already allows a systematic overview and analysis in a simpler digital form. The version you see is the legal contract signed by both parties. As an immediate gain amendments to the original can be easily traced and the contract is searchable.

  • The contract can directly drive the execution. Lean contracts provide the basis for wide-ranging incremental automation. Step by step contractual actions can be linked to your infrastructure and dynamically trigger processes.

  • Any improvement in automation symmetrically applies to all contract parties. Confirmation or execution of specific events are significantly more efficient, since the Lean Contract provides a common protocol enabling standardization and outsourcing.

Contracts are the foundation of our modern financial system. They are fundamentally unchanged since centuries. We believe in the potential of a dynamic digital contract infrastructure.


  • Peter Raiser

    CEO - Strategy & Innovation

    Peter is a MSc in physics with extensive experience in financial markets which he gained in rates trading, valuation and risk management. He has worked on multiple critical OTC legal documentation platform projects for a major Swiss financial institution.

  • Stefan Kong

    COO - Business Development & Sales

    Stefan lead major transition projects for a large Swiss financial institution and has profound experience in strategy development and a strong drive to see it executed. He has a wide range of experience within and outside the financial industry and holds a MSc in Banking and Financial Management from the University of Liechtenstein.

  • Nikolai Eurich

    CTO - Engineering & Development

    Nikolai holds a PhD in physics from the University of Cambridge majoring in material sciences. He has in-depth experience in consulting, quantitative strategies and modelling of sophisticated OTC derivatives contracts for valuation and risk management.